Hotseating: Peter Lutzker

In the hotseat this week is Peter Lutzker. Prof. Dr. Peter Lutzker was born in New York City in 1957 and studied Music and Literature in the United States and Germany. After first working as an orchestra musician, he then studied Steiner/Waldorf Pedgagogy and became a high school teacher for Music and English in Waldorf Schools in Germany from 1986-2011. From 1991 on, he has been active as a teacher educator in different European countries including Germany, Hungary, Russia and England. Since 2010, he has been a Professor at the Freie Hochschule Stuttgart (Waldorf Teachers College). In 2019 he was appointed an Honorary Professor at the Tsing Hua University in Taiwan. He has written numerous articles and books in English and in German, most recently the 2nd edition of his book “The Art of Foreign Language Teaching: Improvisation and Drama in Teacher Development and Language Learning" was published in 2022.So pour yourself a cup of tea, sit back, relax and enjoy this conversation on drama in education with Peter Lutzker.